Sunday 1 August 2010

Mitsui Credit Global – Korea Enjoys Export Boom While China Slows

Mitsui Credit Global: The Korean Won’s weakness boosts its exports while Chinese manufacturing growth slows sharply in July.

Mitsui Credit Global: Though economists have warned that recent data showing that Chinese manufacturing growth slowed sharply in July may be misleading, there is little doubt that the stats emanating from will be misconstrued any time soon. The country’s currency has been weakened by highly accommodative monetary policies, which have given it, and the country the opportunity to cash in on the competitive advantages a weaker currency affords.

Giants like Samsung, LG and the country’s automakers are reporting record sales even as the huge stimulus that lit a fire under China’s economy appears, at first glance to be wearing off if only slightly.

The signs of a Chinese slowdown manifested themselves in data showing its manufacturing growth in July was the slowest for 17 months.

Beijing’s efforts to pour cold water on excessive property speculation and to shut down businesses that use energy inefficiently in order to satisfy climate change goals were reported to have been contributing factors to the cooling down.

Frankly, Mitsui Credit Global doesn’t think there’s any immediate slowdown on the horizon for China. $2 trillion-worth of foreign currency reserves says very much otherwise. We’re still incredibly bullish on Asia; we don’t see an immediate let up in the flow of quantitative easing from the US Federal Reserve and, consequently, we see the search for yield among US investors continuing for some time to come.

Mitsui Credit Global is still of the opinion that full year Chinese economic growth could still reach 9.5% and while Korea is a little more difficult to pin down, there’s no arguing with the benefits of a weaker currency.

Their exports were up for the ninth consecutive month jumping by nigh on 30% compared with the same month last year.

About Mitsui Credit Global:
Providing value to their customers is their single core value. They make strategic investments they know they can build with their deep industry knowledge, with the goal of later selling at profit. Using their industry leading One Mitsui Credit Global network platform, combined with their Operational Excellence team and strong analytical and data driven knowledge, they create and manage custom plans for each of their private equity and real estate investments. Our strong successes enable our investors to reach their goals, such as pension funds enabling the secure retirements of millions of
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16F / Yodoyabashi Mitsui Building
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Osaka, 541-0042