Thursday 19 May 2011

Mitsui Credit Global – Earthquake Tips Japan Into Recession

Mitsui Credit Global: Disaster causes bigger economic contraction than expected as consumers and businesses tighten belts

Mitsui Credit Global has reported that Japan’s economy has slipped back into recession following the devastation caused by the huge earthquake and tsunami that struck the country in March. GDP shrank by 0.9% in the first quarter equivalent to an annualized rate of contraction of -3.7%.

Consensus suggests that exports and consumption were the hardest hit as the country, posting a second consecutive quarter of economic contraction, entered a technical recession.

In our view, the consumption aspect of the latest data gives the biggest cause for concern. Private consumption (or consumer spending to you and me) accounts for 60% of the Japanese economy. With consumers cutting spending in the aftermath of the earthquake, Japan’s economy is expected to remain weak for some time.

The next biggest component in Japan’s economy is its export sector. Electronics, automobiles and heavy machinery are big earners for the world’s third largest economy but the earthquake damaged production lines and supply chains, which have had the inevitable consequences on manufacturing and distribution.

High commodity prices aren’t helping especially as Japan shut down its national nuclear power plant network following the disaster at Fukushima. Here at Mitsui Credit Global, we think things are going to get worse as the country imports far more crude oil at current high prices.

Still, the herculean effort required to rebuild will undoubtedly prove positive for the economy and with the country’s central bank scheduled to meet this coming Tuesday, we should expect more of the ultra-loose monetary policy that has helped stabilize the economy since the earthquake.

Japan will recover but it will be slow going.

About Mitsui Credit Global:
Providing value to their customers is their single core value. They make strategic investments they know they can build with their deep industry knowledge, with the goal of later selling at profit. Using their industry leading One Mitsui Credit Global network platform, combined with their Operational Excellence team and strong analytical and data driven knowledge, they create and manage custom plans for each of their private equity and real estate investments. Our strong successes enable our investors to reach their goals, such as pension funds enabling the secure retirements of millions of
public employees.

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