Wednesday 4 November 2015

Mitsui Credit Global: China GDP Eclipses Japan

Mitsui Credit Global: The People’s Republic of China has surpassed Japan as the world’s 2nd biggest economy.

Mitsui Credit Global: China’s GDP exceeded Japan’s for the first time last quarter crowning the country’s 30 year ascension from an isolated communist oddity plagued by poverty and occasional famine to an emerging superpower tipped to supplant the United States as the world’s largest economy by 2030.

Japan’s gross domestic product for the last quarter came in at US$1.288 trillion while China’s economy posted US$1.337 trillion for the same period.

China’s effectively been the world’s primary engine of economic growth since the dark days of the global recession. Both the US and Europe have been dogged by anemic growth exacerbated by a reluctance to lend on the part of the banks and the hangover from record public and household indebtedness.

We’ve been particularly impressed with the resilience of China’s growth which continues despite assertions from many quarters that the impact of the massive $586 billion stimulus package was beginning to wane.

The fact that the growth in China has had the effect of pulling other economies along in its wake is something of a bonus. Commodity-exporting countries like Australia have enjoyed an apparent immunity to the woes that have afflicted Europe and the US.

The nation of 1.3 billion souls has overtaken the United States as the world’s largest automobile market and replaced Germany as the biggest exporter. It’s second only to the US in terms of crude oil imports and is number one in iron ore and copper purchases.

Of course, how long this can go on is a concern for some. How many airports, railways and power stations can China build? There are already anecdotes of entire cities with populations that number in the thousands or tens of thousands rather than the millions they were constructed to accommodate. Only time will tell how things pan out in these so-called “ghost cities” but Mitsui Credit Global welcomes the passing of China’s latest milestone.

About Mitsui Credit Global:
Providing value to their customers is their single core value. They make strategic investments they know they can build with their deep industry knowledge, with the goal of later selling at profit. Using their industry leading One Mitsui Credit Global network platform, combined with their Operational Excellence team and strong analytical and data driven knowledge, they create and manage custom plans for each of their private equity and real estate investments. Our strong successes enable our investors to reach their goals, such as pension funds enabling the secure retirements of millions of
public employees.

Contact Mitsui Credit Global:
16F / Yodoyabashi Mitsui Building
4-1-1 Imabashi, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi,
Osaka, 541-0042

Monday 22 October 2012

Mitsui Credit Global: Abundance Of Bargains In Chinese Stocks

Mitsui Credit Global: Patient investors have been encouraged by a slew of data promising exciting times for the Asian giant

It really should come as no surprise that we here at Mitsui Credit Global are quite enamored with China’s future economic prospects but for the last couple of years, we’ve been one of a few lone voices in the wilderness extoling the virtues of the central planners in Beijing and their aptitude for precision-guiding this colossus of 1.3 billion people to its current position as the world’s second largest economy.

There’s no doubt that certain aspects of the Chinese economy have tailed off as the euphoria-inducing effects of the $586 billion post-Lehman stimulus package have worn off but the real estate boom that continues apace in certain cities shows few signs of being derailed and consumer spending – part of the ruling communist party’s effort to rebalance their economy to reflect greater reliance upon domestic consumption – remains robust.

In September, retail sales jumped 13.2% while real urban disposable income rose just shy of 10%; its counterpart, rural disposal income, surged more than 12% in the first 9 months of the year.

Commodity imports remain buoyant with an 11% jump in imports of copper into China and a marked rebound in oil imports.

Stocks in China are historically cheap and even more so when measured against the inflated values of shares on global exchanges. Mitsui Credit Global research shows that Chinese shares have a forward P/E ratio under 9 times – compare that with averages on global exchanges of 12-13 times and it’s easy to see why now is a good time to take positions on Chinese stocks.

About Mitsui Credit Global:
Providing value to their customers is their single core value. They make strategic investments they know they can build with their deep industry knowledge, with the goal of later selling at profit. Using their industry leading One Mitsui Credit Global network platform, combined with their Operational Excellence team and strong analytical and data driven knowledge, they create and manage custom plans for each of their private equity and real estate investments. Our strong successes enable our investors to reach their goals, such as pension funds enabling the secure retirements of millions of
public employees.

Contact Mitsui Credit Global:
16F / Yodoyabashi Mitsui Building
4-1-1 Imabashi, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi,
Osaka, 541-0042

Thursday 19 May 2011

Mitsui Credit Global – Earthquake Tips Japan Into Recession

Mitsui Credit Global: Disaster causes bigger economic contraction than expected as consumers and businesses tighten belts

Mitsui Credit Global has reported that Japan’s economy has slipped back into recession following the devastation caused by the huge earthquake and tsunami that struck the country in March. GDP shrank by 0.9% in the first quarter equivalent to an annualized rate of contraction of -3.7%.

Consensus suggests that exports and consumption were the hardest hit as the country, posting a second consecutive quarter of economic contraction, entered a technical recession.

In our view, the consumption aspect of the latest data gives the biggest cause for concern. Private consumption (or consumer spending to you and me) accounts for 60% of the Japanese economy. With consumers cutting spending in the aftermath of the earthquake, Japan’s economy is expected to remain weak for some time.

The next biggest component in Japan’s economy is its export sector. Electronics, automobiles and heavy machinery are big earners for the world’s third largest economy but the earthquake damaged production lines and supply chains, which have had the inevitable consequences on manufacturing and distribution.

High commodity prices aren’t helping especially as Japan shut down its national nuclear power plant network following the disaster at Fukushima. Here at Mitsui Credit Global, we think things are going to get worse as the country imports far more crude oil at current high prices.

Still, the herculean effort required to rebuild will undoubtedly prove positive for the economy and with the country’s central bank scheduled to meet this coming Tuesday, we should expect more of the ultra-loose monetary policy that has helped stabilize the economy since the earthquake.

Japan will recover but it will be slow going.

About Mitsui Credit Global:
Providing value to their customers is their single core value. They make strategic investments they know they can build with their deep industry knowledge, with the goal of later selling at profit. Using their industry leading One Mitsui Credit Global network platform, combined with their Operational Excellence team and strong analytical and data driven knowledge, they create and manage custom plans for each of their private equity and real estate investments. Our strong successes enable our investors to reach their goals, such as pension funds enabling the secure retirements of millions of
public employees.

Contact Mitsui Credit Global:
16F / Yodoyabashi Mitsui Building
4-1-1 Imabashi, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi,
Osaka, 541-0042

Sunday 1 August 2010

Mitsui Credit Global – Korea Enjoys Export Boom While China Slows

Mitsui Credit Global: The Korean Won’s weakness boosts its exports while Chinese manufacturing growth slows sharply in July.

Mitsui Credit Global: Though economists have warned that recent data showing that Chinese manufacturing growth slowed sharply in July may be misleading, there is little doubt that the stats emanating from will be misconstrued any time soon. The country’s currency has been weakened by highly accommodative monetary policies, which have given it, and the country the opportunity to cash in on the competitive advantages a weaker currency affords.

Giants like Samsung, LG and the country’s automakers are reporting record sales even as the huge stimulus that lit a fire under China’s economy appears, at first glance to be wearing off if only slightly.

The signs of a Chinese slowdown manifested themselves in data showing its manufacturing growth in July was the slowest for 17 months.

Beijing’s efforts to pour cold water on excessive property speculation and to shut down businesses that use energy inefficiently in order to satisfy climate change goals were reported to have been contributing factors to the cooling down.

Frankly, Mitsui Credit Global doesn’t think there’s any immediate slowdown on the horizon for China. $2 trillion-worth of foreign currency reserves says very much otherwise. We’re still incredibly bullish on Asia; we don’t see an immediate let up in the flow of quantitative easing from the US Federal Reserve and, consequently, we see the search for yield among US investors continuing for some time to come.

Mitsui Credit Global is still of the opinion that full year Chinese economic growth could still reach 9.5% and while Korea is a little more difficult to pin down, there’s no arguing with the benefits of a weaker currency.

Their exports were up for the ninth consecutive month jumping by nigh on 30% compared with the same month last year.

About Mitsui Credit Global:
Providing value to their customers is their single core value. They make strategic investments they know they can build with their deep industry knowledge, with the goal of later selling at profit. Using their industry leading One Mitsui Credit Global network platform, combined with their Operational Excellence team and strong analytical and data driven knowledge, they create and manage custom plans for each of their private equity and real estate investments. Our strong successes enable our investors to reach their goals, such as pension funds enabling the secure retirements of millions of
public employees.

Contact Mitsui Credit Global:
16F / Yodoyabashi Mitsui Building
4-1-1 Imabashi, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi,
Osaka, 541-0042

Tuesday 19 May 2009

Mitsui Credit Global Reports Record Plunge For Japan’s Economy

Mitsui Credit Global: Worst contraction on record for Japan’s battered economy

Mitsui Credit Global reports Japan’s economy shrank at its fastest pace since records began in the first quarter of the year. Exports plunged while domestic consumption collapsed in the unprecedented 4% contraction in the 3 months from January to March.

One need not look too far for the culprit; Japan’s economy is heavily reliant upon exports and, with most of its export markets contending with their own recessions and economic slowdowns, there is significantly less demand for Japanese products. Japan has been grappling with anemic growth and deflation for years, a stubborn overhang from the great economic collapse of its real estate and stock market boom in 1989 that marked the beginning of the period often referred to as the “Lost Decade”.

Japan’s cars and her electronics simply aren’t finding as many buyers as they used to but, surprisingly, there are a few optimistic predictions floating around for the country following a modest rise in production in March.

For now, it appears the weakness in Japan’s corporate sector has wound its way into households with many consumers simply unwilling to open their purses. Data shows that investment in heavy equipment and factories slipped by 10.4% in the first quarter, highlighting reluctance on the part of companies to increase expenditure in order to expand. In Japanese households, concerns over job security have mounted causing the savings rate to tick up, worsening the severity of the recession.

Hope springs eternal and we expect some form of response from the Bank of Japan but we’re not holding our breath for fireworks. The timidity that’s come to characterize the central bank’s monetary policy has become as much of a problem as the deflationary spiral that continues to dog the country nearly 20 years after the crisis.

About Mitsui Credit Global:
Providing value to their customers is their single core value. They make strategic investments they know they can build with their deep industry knowledge, with the goal of later selling at profit. Using their industry leading One Mitsui Credit Global network platform, combined with their Operational Excellence team and strong analytical and data driven knowledge, they create and manage custom plans for each of their private equity and real estate investments. Our strong successes enable our investors to reach their goals, such as pension funds enabling the secure retirements of millions of
public employees.

Contact Mitsui Credit Global:
16F / Yodoyabashi Mitsui Building
4-1-1 Imabashi, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi,
Osaka, 541-0042