Tuesday 19 May 2009

Mitsui Credit Global Reports Record Plunge For Japan’s Economy

Mitsui Credit Global: Worst contraction on record for Japan’s battered economy

Mitsui Credit Global reports Japan’s economy shrank at its fastest pace since records began in the first quarter of the year. Exports plunged while domestic consumption collapsed in the unprecedented 4% contraction in the 3 months from January to March.

One need not look too far for the culprit; Japan’s economy is heavily reliant upon exports and, with most of its export markets contending with their own recessions and economic slowdowns, there is significantly less demand for Japanese products. Japan has been grappling with anemic growth and deflation for years, a stubborn overhang from the great economic collapse of its real estate and stock market boom in 1989 that marked the beginning of the period often referred to as the “Lost Decade”.

Japan’s cars and her electronics simply aren’t finding as many buyers as they used to but, surprisingly, there are a few optimistic predictions floating around for the country following a modest rise in production in March.

For now, it appears the weakness in Japan’s corporate sector has wound its way into households with many consumers simply unwilling to open their purses. Data shows that investment in heavy equipment and factories slipped by 10.4% in the first quarter, highlighting reluctance on the part of companies to increase expenditure in order to expand. In Japanese households, concerns over job security have mounted causing the savings rate to tick up, worsening the severity of the recession.

Hope springs eternal and we expect some form of response from the Bank of Japan but we’re not holding our breath for fireworks. The timidity that’s come to characterize the central bank’s monetary policy has become as much of a problem as the deflationary spiral that continues to dog the country nearly 20 years after the crisis.

About Mitsui Credit Global:
Providing value to their customers is their single core value. They make strategic investments they know they can build with their deep industry knowledge, with the goal of later selling at profit. Using their industry leading One Mitsui Credit Global network platform, combined with their Operational Excellence team and strong analytical and data driven knowledge, they create and manage custom plans for each of their private equity and real estate investments. Our strong successes enable our investors to reach their goals, such as pension funds enabling the secure retirements of millions of
public employees.

Contact Mitsui Credit Global:
16F / Yodoyabashi Mitsui Building
4-1-1 Imabashi, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi,
Osaka, 541-0042

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